Bluetooth Mac: C8:3D:D4:B0:15:70 Brand inquiry of the address

Bluetooth MAC address: C8:3D:D4:B0:15:70 The MAC brand and address inquiry made for the device was made and the results were found. Bluetooth MAC address: C8:3D:D4:B0:15:70 The brand and brand address information of the device is in detail.

Brand Information

CyberTAN Technology Inc.

99 Park Ave III, Hsinchu Science Park
Hsinchu 308

This is a detail that most users don't know or doesn't care about the Bluetooth MAC address. Bluetooth devices that support the Bluetooth MAC address of a network communication system that enables communication with each other. Communicates Bluetooth to any device which has a MAC address.

Internet Sharing using a wireless headset, with Bluetooth function communication method and send the file like we use a lot in daily life constantly. The information of an alien device that connects to your device and how do you see? It's not enough to just see the name of the device about the device that you find this tool if you want to see detailed information you can find out the manufacturer of the Bluetooth address.

The Bluetooth address of your device to get “Bluetooth Address Learning” read an article about it.